b'Social and emotional learningWhere social and emotional learning is embedded as part of a school approach, is embedded in the curriculum, explicitly taught and forms part of the ethos, culture and values of the school, research shows more advantageous educational and life outcomes for children and young people.Within the societal context of emotional andThe SAFE approach is included in the latest Education mental health there is growing evidence to showEndowment Foundation (EEF) 2021 recommendations the need for greater focus around targeted SELfor SEL provision in primary schools, alongside other intervention in schools, and particularly for childrenrecommendations for effective school practice:with greater levels of adversity in their experiencesTeach SEL explicitlyof life or children considered as disadvantaged. Integrate and model SEL skills We need to equip children with the language,through everyday teachingtools and opportunities to talk about, share andPlan carefully for adopting a SEL programmereflect on their experiences. There is a need for:Use a SAFE curriculumA universal emotions curriculum alongside PSHE Reinforce SEL skills through whole-Enhanced intervention for childrenschool ethos and activitieswith SEN and SEMH needs Plan, support, and monitor SEL implementationA graduated response approach to support (moving between universal and targeted support as relevant) as an integral part of the whole school approach There is extensive international Ensure that staff have support andevidence that teaching SEL through continued professional development toplanned programmes can have support both their own wellbeing and the implementation of the schools approach a positive impact on childrens Research indicates that children need strong, stableattitudes to learning, relationships and nurturing relationships and opportunitiesin school, academic attainment, where they feel safe enough to be able to talkand a range of other outcomes.about their experiences and feel understood.Improving Social & Emotional Learning in Primary Schools - Guidance Report 29The Emotional Literacy PathwayAdapted from Faupel 30and Goleman 31Self- Establishing emotionalCo- Self- Self-regulated safety regulation awareness regulation Motivation Empathy Social skillsAdult ConnectionAttachment Amazing me Calm me Resilient me MemoriesActions words Supervision Relationship All ten themes Celebrating me Exploding me New beginnings and me and meand me Finding me My friends All ten themes Sock puppets and meThe Hamish & Milo Emotional Literacy Pathway supports the acquisition of social and emotional skills, recognising that children learn these skills sequentially, through connection creative activities and opportunities to talk about life situations.12 bath.ac.uk'