b'The context of distressed and dysregulated behaviour in schoolsThe rate of pupils suspended from school has risen for a fifth year running rising to 578,280 - increasing for primary pupils by 43%, from 46,200 to 66,200. 13That is the equivalent of 691 suspensions for every per 10,000 pupils. 12Permanent exclusions rose to 6,495 up from 3,928 in 2020/21, the equivalent of 8 for every 10,000 pupils.Persistent disruptive behaviour was the most common reason - 50% of suspensions and 47% of all permanent exclusions - followed by physical assault against aSource: Department for Education (DfE) Permanent exclusions and pupil and verbal abuse or threatening behaviour againstsuspensions in England18an adult and physical assault against an adult.However, you cant legitimately think about childrens challenging behaviour in schools without thinking about the rates of childhood vulnerability and poverty.4.2 million children areChild poverty rates living in poverty in the UK.- 2021/22 14That is one in three children. There were 4.2 million children living in poverty in the UK in 2021-22. 16Thats 29% of children, or nine in a classroom of 30. 172.3 million children are living with risk because of a vulnerable family backgroundThe Childrens Commissioners 2019 childhood vulnerability reportAnalysis shows that since the pandemic those living in poverty were 3.7 times more likely to be sent home than other pupils and too many children from poor backgrounds are failing to meet expected standards in primary schools. 156 bath.ac.uk'