b'Summary of emerging evidenceEmerging data shows statistically significant differences in observations about the emotional and behavioural presentation of children, pre and post intervention.Professor Richard Joiner, Head of Department, University of Bath, Department of Psychology Statistical changes across all of the initial impact measures occur in a positive direction (attribution is an area to understand next). SDQs - Improved overall and all subscales Child Wellbeing Profiles - Improved on all behaviour and protective factors scales * Childs Voices - Improved on all measures Whilst tentative and emerging, there are statistically significant differences between before and after observations and the experiences of the children. Further evaluation of the Hamish & Milo intervention is essential, to explore if and if so, how, the outcomes can be attributed to the intervention directly. There is a significant body of data that needs to be analysed to really capture the stories of change for children and trusted adults who engage with Hamish & Milo.2023-2024 and onwards Get involved!Our ongoing mission is to make a real differenceThis is a very exciting opportunity and we are to childrens mental health and wellbeing. We arestill interested in hearing from any individual committed to listening to schools, to understandschool, groups of schools, or Academy Trust the evolving needs of children, their families andthat is interested in joining this research study. the settings that support them and to develop ourIf you are interested or would like to find out resources, training and supervision so that childrenmore please email
[email protected] thrive, aspire and achieve their dreams.The University of Bath Research will continue for 2023-2024 and beyond as our projectRegister for future reportscontinues to grow with now more than 90 schoolsSimply email
[email protected] across the UK and Ireland participating.and provide your name and email address Following the initial research model there are plansto be notified of all future reports.now to develop the programme theory and research framework to capture more explicit layers of impact for children, parents and carers as well as schools, supporting staff, social and healthcare professionals to make the most effective use of the evidence.*Except for Protective Factors for Celebrating Me and that was because there were only 8 children whose data was suppliedhamishandmilo.org 45'