b'Navigator - vital tracking and assessing of progressWith Navigator, schools have the ability to monitor progress and observe emerging patterns not only at the individual child level, but also within groups, schools, and trusts so they can demonstrate the tangible impact of their SEMH interventions.Through pre- and post- Live dashboards - provide visually engaging, easily digestible intervention data such as,data at individual child, group, programme, school, and Child Wellbeing Profiles andtrust levels, as well as representing the childs voice.Childs Voice Questionnaires,Evidence-graduated response plans - data and information practitioners can trackto support report writing, signposting to multi agencies and progress, see trends at child,progress tracking for Individual Education Plan (IEP) and Personal Educational Plan (PEP) and enhanced provision.group, and school level,Evidence EHCP plans and reviews - a framework for SEMH support aligned to the differentas part of the graduated response within EHCP provision.emotion themes and gainInsight for Ofsted Inspections - demonstrate the range and impact vital insight and reportingof targeted intervention, SEMH provision and evaluation.to support their SENDGDPR compliant - no child names, just child codes, and all the information and inclusion strategy. is stored in state-of-the-art, secure Microsoft Azure data centres in the UK.hamishandmilo.org 19'