b'By using Calm me she is ableIt just highlights the need forThe children are loving the to recognise she goes intothis programme. The childrenprogramme. We have run social freeze. We were able to log thisare using the strategies backskills group for years but these on our CPOMS safeguardingin class and it fits in with ourare much better than the ones system and when this waswhole school ethos and valueswe have made ourselves. They happening in the class theof compassion and respect.are more focussed and the teacher was able to say: I canWe use it in our assembliesadults really like the guidance see you are anxious and helpedas a whole school approach,they are given. Our teachers her to use the strategies fromand it is being used across theare noticing differences in Hamish & Milo to help regulateschool. The feedback frompupils in the classroom. her. It has had a massive impactteachers is that children areKerry Johns, Northwick Park Primary School, because she is able to nowcoming back from the groupsEssexrecognise her feelings andready and able to learn.knows what to do. Jill Wilcock, St John with St Mark CoE PrimaryWe have never really found School, Bury anything before Hamish & Emma Berry, Rowanfield Infant & Junior School, Gloucestershire Milo that is bespoke enough Providing reflective and clearand where we can see this Hamish & Milo hasdata to measure how effectivelevel of impact. We now have supported a real shift towardsSEMH interventions are isdeveloped the role of our consistency and focus on thenotoriously difficult. We havesupport staff to be able to social and emotional needsfound the supporting impactdeliver this across the school of our children. The resourcemeasure tools that come withand to do more of this work.is manageable with thethe programme a fantasticLee Bell, Saltersgate Infant School, Doncaster, planning and progression doneresource. It has made sharingSouth Yorkshireso that the time is focusedfeedback to Senior Leadership on being with the children.Team and Governors so muchEvery child who has taken part There is now more of a robusteasier and clearer, as well asin the intervention programme organisational process in howgiving us the information wehas made progress. We can we target and support needneed to make sure we areeven see the children going with the flexibility for group ordelivering the most impactfulback into class and using the one-to-one intervention. programme to the rightstrategies, so it is transferring Cassie Langmead, Burraton Community Primarychildren. back into class as well as School, Cornwall during the intervention itself. Sandra Scott, Damers First School, Dorchester, Dorset Emma Berry, Rowanfield Infant & Junior school, One of the other factors thatGloucestershirehas been noticed through using the resource is the development of language withRead more school stories at the children using a widerhamishandmilo.org/school-stories/range of vocabulary.HamishSue Turtle, Saltersgate Infant School, Doncaster, South Yorkshire50 bath.ac.uk'