b'Assess at trust, school, group and child levelThe Navigator dashboard provides access at trust or school level and presents the emotion theme programmes by groups with a top-level summary of each group and their improvement that allows you to build data trends over time to support the growing pedagogy in your setting.The interactive data can be clicked on to drill-down into more data per programme, group and child - vitally viewing the impact comparatively via Child Wellbeing Profiles, SDQs and the Childs Voice. Top level group summary to aid admin and management Data is aligned to the different emotion themes for insight and reportingKey statistics on improvement per child, group, school and trustScores are pre- and post-intervention per child % aggregated up into group levelDrill-down to child level and the interactive data score rings highlight impactSee impact at micro-level e.g. each behaviour and protective factorAssess each child week on week, track progress, see the pre- and post-data and record observations.Checklist for monitoring routine tasks such as completing a Child Wellbeing Profile and Childs Voice Questionnaire for each childHighlights commentary from child and adultsEmail child reportsNavigator provides data, insight and information to support report writing, signposting to additional services where required and tracks progress for IEPs, PEPs and enhanced provision.20 bath.ac.uk'