b'We have one boy who EnglishWe found that there wereOne boy in Reception is a isnt his first language and hequite a few children inlooked after child (LAC). He struggles to be understood.Reception who were showingoften presents as defiant and When he uses his sock puppetanxiety, so we were able toits hard to get him to come to everyone can understand himgive the teacher some of thethe group. But last time one better! This has identifiedideas for the whole class. Theyof the girls in Year 1 went to to me that he really feelsare now using the resource ascollect him, she just put her misunderstood a lot of the timetheir PSHE curriculum.hand out and he came!and the importance of feelingSue Turtle, Saltersgate Infant School, Doncaster Satvinder Lotay, Uphall Primary, Redbridgeheard.Michelle Haynes, Luton Primary School, Kent Im using the resources withIve been doing my friends secondary aged students 1:1and me with a group of Year 5 We have one looked afterat the moment. There is onegirls. The girls used to come to child who is having a reallygirl Im doing Exploding methe adults every day and moan hard time at the moment.with and the difference inabout their friends and how He often comes in to see hisher is huge. She has a lot ofthey had fallen out. They spoke puppet, even on days when weACEs and seemed not to careto me and said We fell out this dont have the group. Yesterdaywhenever anything happenedmorning but we knew what he came in and he wouldntbut now with the group, sheto do and used the problem talk to us, but he sat in his safewants to repair things. She hassolving language and we are space and told his puppet. Thebecome more self-aware andproud to say we are friends eye contact between him andable to regulate herself.again! The children are really the sock puppet is amazingAmy Warren, The Forest Academy, Redbridgereflecting on what they are as he doesnt usually give eyesaying to each other and know contact. Another girl we have in ourhow to make friends again.Natalie Green, Byron Academy, Gillingham, Kent group is incredibly anxiousNaomi Trickey, Waycroft Academy, Bristoland will run at the slightest Ive been doing memoriesthing. She has an incrediblyOne of my wow moments was and me with a 13-year-oldturbulent home life. The groupfor a boy who was struggling girl whose mum died a yearhas given her faith and safety.with angry feelings. He loved ago and she is now living withShe loves her sock puppet, itbeing able to talk about his her aunt and sees her dad ateven has its own leash. Sheinner guard dog and began to weekends. She has writtenloves our room and now if sherecognise that its OK to feel some beautiful things in theruns, she comes straight hereangry and that it was his inner sessions about her mum andand finds her sock puppet pet. guard dog and he just needed a the memories she has. SheEmma Berry, Rowanfield Infant & Junior Schools,bit of time. His angry moments is Autistic and has learningGloucestershire lessened, and he could difficulties and for her to openregulate himself more easily. up it has been amazing. SheChloe Ellis, Hazlehurst Community Primary loves the sessions and keepsSchool, Bury, Lancashire asking to come.Mel Singleton, Mountjoy Special School, Dorsethamishandmilo.org 49'