b'Participating schools desired project outcomesWe asked all our participating schools what they hoped to achieve for their school by being part of this project, these are just some of the comments.We hope to be able to support ourTo be able to support our pupils withImproving provision for pupils young individuals with their emotionaltheir social and emotional needs. not reaching the threshold and social development. Our intention is for the project tofor CAMHS or other external To support our children with theirimprove outcomes for our children. Wetherapies. range of needs related to social,also hope that we will have access emotional and mental health and theirto a data set that can support theWe have identified the need for overall wellbeing, growth mindsetwork we are doing, particularly whentailored interventions in particular and ability to deal with anything thatsharing such information with outsidein the areas of self-esteem and comes their way. agencies such as OFSTED and whenfriendship issues. We look forward to working with governors. being able to measure the outcome To provide children with the skillsof interventions and developing staff and strategies so that they are ableconfidence in delivering wellbeing to identify, express and manage theirA wellbeing resource tointerventions.emotions. support the ELSA work we started last year with theImproved interactions between some of our children, staff empowered to To provide targeted supportedability to track impact. begin and see through a project to for children with high numbersWe hope to gain knowledge andsupport children, enthused children of ACEs which is impacting onexperience that can be applied towho have the confidence to freely their wellbeing, self-esteemsupport some of our most emotionallycommunicate.and readiness to learn. vulnerable children. Support for staff (ELSA) to deliver For staff to have a strongerSEMH programmes and support for To better understand the needsawareness of the impact of emotionalstudents who need SEMH support.of the children and their barrierswellbeing on the children in our care. To be able to implement a specific to learning so that we can developFor children to have strategies toprogramme that supports our children better practices with them. To furthersupport them emotionally and bewith SEMH needs. A tailored, targeted develop the skill set of the pastoralmore confident. package will hopefully impact team and enhance the pastoral offer trust wide. Support social emotional needs. Givepositively on wellbeing as opposed children coping strategies. to trying to source various resources I hope that children can access afrom various places. For my staff to meaningful intervention which willTo empower and equip our childrenfeel confident in being able to support give them the skills to manage theirwith the best strategies and supportthe children within their care, knowing issues. I hope that it will empowerfor the future in an ever-changing andthat there is a resource in place which our support staff in helping to makecomplex world. they could use to support children.a difference to childrens emotional needs and mental health. We want the children to feel like theyTo provide emotional support for have a safe and secure environmenta wider range of pupils across the To support and further improve thewhere there needs are met and thatschool. To enable pupils to develop emotional wellbeing of our children. they can discuss any concerns withstrategies for self help and to build us. We want to be able to measureresilience. Pupils to become more the impact of the intervention and seeemotionally aware to improve their positive outcomes for all the childrenoverall mental health and wellbeing.who take part.22 bath.ac.uk'