b'Hamish & Milo programme theoretical models The fundamental principle underpinning the entire Hamish & Milo Wellbeing programme is that of the vital human need for connection and belonging.The approach is built within the theoretical landscapeHamish & Milo programmes include creative enrichment of relational connection, relational intervention and theactivities designed to enable discussion about childrens evidenced-based premise that empathic and nurturinglife experiences and emotions. Each activity includes a relationships build a safe and trusting connection thatpsychoeducation element to help children understand enable all people to: feel heard and understood, be seenwhat is happening in their bodies and minds so that and recognised and feel valued and responded to. they can begin to regulate and reflect with an empathic Nurturing relationships create a safe and trustingadult in a way that supports their emotional wellbeing.connection. The programme is supported by the schoolHamish & Milo also adheres to the SAFE approach; practitioners to enable emotional safety and a sense ofSequenced - connected and coordinated activities belonging. This helps the children talk and express theirto foster skills development; Active - active forms feelings about what is happening in their lives, shareof learning to help children master new skills; experiences, develop empathy and friendships in a smallFocused - containing activities that clearly emphasise group environment of safety, value and belonging. developing personal and social skills; Explicit - The framework for Hamish & Milo therefore comestargeting specific social and emotional skills. 33from a range of theoretical contexts which hold theSAFE Approachquality of relationship at the core of support work, and togetherness with peers as a social group.Sequenced Coherent frameworkHamish & Milo is based on Attachment AwareActively teaches social and Theory and the importance of early social andemotional skills through ten emotion themesemotional development, as well as understanding theEach programme theme consisting emotional stress that many children with SEMH needsof ten detailed session plansexperience and the impact on the developing child.The importance of co-regulation and emotional safety,Using the creative artshaving language and emotional vocabulary to help makeActive Role play and skills practice of sense of experiences and situations is crucial in thereal-life scenarios and experiencesdevelopment of emotional literacy skills to enable socialActively promoting discussion relationships, communication and emotional regulation.and reflectionHamish & Milo supports the development of emotional literacy skills, recognising that childrenSpecific social and emotional skills learn these skills sequentially, through connectionFocused taughtand communication, in accordance with recognisedPsychoeducation for development stages of human psychosocial development. of self-awareness and skill developmentConnection is the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued;Comprehensive planned approachwhen they can give and receive withoutExplicit Impact measurement toolsjudgement; and when they derive sustenanceTransferable skills for life and and strength from the relationship.learningDr Bren Brown 34hamishandmilo.org 17'