b'Services referring children back to schoolLong waiting lists for the CAMHS and other specialised services are evident, with mental health teams referring 25-40% of cases back to school for support.Latest figures show that there has been an increase inMental health provision, organised through a the number of children referred to CAMHS - 734,000 intiered system, is shown in the diagram below. 2021-22, a 47% increase from the previous year and anTier 1 provides early intervention and prevention 84% increase from 2018-19, the last year before COVID. 9 services through schools with the teaching of Post lockdown NHS trusts were forced to raise thethe personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) threshold to access support to tackle backlogs, resultingcurriculum and through community support services in hundreds of thousands of children being turnedincluding health visitors and school nurses.away or abandoning treatment. Almost 75% of EnglishTier 2 provides early help and targeted intervention trusts said they had at least one young person whoaimed at supporting children with specific SEMH needs.had been waiting at least a year, and 40% had children waiting at least two years - the average longest waitTier 3 provides specialist CAMHS support.across all English trusts is currently 87 weeks. 10 Tier 4 provides specialised day and inpatient The impact is huge for our children and theunits, where people with more severe mental consequences of delayed support are evident.health needs can be assessed and treated. The Covid-19 pandemic may be over but the pandemic of lost learning in England is growing.Mental health provisionKiran Gill, Chief Executive,Tiers of need The Difference educational charity 11Tier 4 In-patient Tier 3 Specialist CAMHSTier 2ELSA, CAMHS, MHSTs, Early help and targeted services Counsellors, Drawing and Talking and Nurture GroupsUniversal Services, Schools, Tier 1Curriculum - PSHE, Health Early intervention and prevention Visitors and School Nurseshamishandmilo.org 5'