b'Improved outcomes for pupils withAs a staff we feel very passionateBy being part of the project, we hope increased staff knowledge and skills. about childrens wellbeing, we wantto draw on other schools experiences to become more knowledgeable aboutto influence our practice and have To support pupil wellbeing tohow we can support the various needspositive outcomes at an early improve behaviour and attendance. of our children. We strongly feel thatintervention level.To improve our provision and supportif children are not happy and settled for children who are finding elementsthen they will struggle to achieve. WeTo allow children early access of wellbeing difficult. To increase staffare keen to improve our attendance capacity to respond to children whoand decrease our persistent absences. to mental health interventions are struggling. A deep and effective understandingbefore their need is greater. To To create a happier school. and support of SEMH within ourgive children strategies to cope school and expertise in a programmein modern life.I hope that as a ARP, we can providethat can help us deliver effective a stronger therapeutic approach andsupport and interventions whereWe hope that by teaching a that the child gain strategies, workneeded. structured program of emotional through trauma and increase theirliteracy we will be able to equip our capacity to manage their own feelingsWe hope to develop further skillschildren with the skills they need to and thoughts. and strategies to support our youngmanage school life, increase their peoples social, emotional and mentalresilience and be able to emotionally To support the mental health andhealth and enable them to becomeregulate. We also hope to improve wellbeing of more children in themore independent and confident incommunication with home and be able school alongside our Trauma Informedmanaging their emotions. to monitor and track progress more Schools work. For school to have a suitable andeffectively.Structured approach to wellbeingestablished intervention for childrenTo develop our SEMH offer and to with specific focus, measurable resultswith emotional and mental healthmeet the needs of our children.and children needs supported. wellbeing needs.To have a fit for purpose scheme We have worked hard to improveto support the SEMH needs of all our SEMH offer for pupils but we areWe hope to promote betterpupils. Since Covid, we have seen finding an increase in needs of pupils.communication betweenincreased numbers of children with We have some staff that are able tochildren in being able to talka range of SEMH needs for which support pupils but we feel that bywe did not have an easily accessible using a programme like this we will beabout their feelings to improvescheme to support. We hope that able to train and utilise the support oftheir relationships to developthis scheme will allow us to provide more staff members. We also neededinclusion. an intervention that is consistent a way to formalise measuring impact. and meet the needs of the children To support and improve the outcomesTo strengthen and empower our staffenabling them to be successful for those children with SEMH needsto understand trauma response in ourlearners and happier individuals.using a research based intervention.younger students and how we canWe hope to make a difference to our To upskill a teacher and a TA sosupport them in the short time theychildrens lives by providing tailored, they can deliver a research basedare with us. As our children are all infocussed, fun interventions. Measuring intervention and to support childrenhospital or have serious mental andthe impact will also be invaluable.with SEMH needs and their families. physical health conditions, there are commonalities in the types of traumaTo support a higher number of All TAs and new ELSA role to bewe see, and so we would like to bechildren needing SEMH support using the programme to respondable to fully understand and supportthrough working in small groups and support the childrens emotionalour cohort in their time with us andrather than just with individuals. To needs. To support staff developmenttheir journey back to life beyond thetrain up more staff to be able to carry to be in a better position to spot andhospital. out group interventions.respond to needs at early onset rather than once problems have manifested.hamishandmilo.org 23'