b'Promoting children and young peoples emotional health and wellbeing: A whole school approachThere are eight principles to promoting an effective whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing outlined in the PHE and DfE document that help contribute towards protecting and promoting childrens mental health and wellbeing.The eight principles has leadership and managementIdentifying need and monitoring impact of interventions at the core - responsible for the values, beliefs and clarity- There needs to be whole school awareness of emotional of vision, empowering others and ensuring that staffhealth and wellbeing so that robust measures are in place wellbeing is prioritised alongside provision for children -to identify need and ensure provision. Careful assessing, essential to ensure changes are accepted and embedded.planning and monitoring of interventions is vital to ensure Surrounding this are the seven other principles: the best outcomes for children, with clear systems in An ethos and environment that promotes respectplace for reviews, report writing and provision mapping.and values diversity - The ethos is shaped by theWorking with parents and carers - Partnership way adults model interactions, how relationshipsworking enhances outcomes for children and is of are held as central to the values of the school andhuge importance in enabling shared understanding how all interactions show respect, care and valueand collaborative approaches to support the for everyone within the school community.needs of the child as well as the family.Curriculum teaching and learning to promote resilienceTargeted support and appropriate referral - Ensuring and support social and emotional learning - This ischildren have access to the right intervention, appropriate both the taught curriculum, through explicit PSHE andprovision mapping to support their needs and systems the direct focus on teaching social and emotional skills,of review is essential in promoting best outcomes, and the experience of caught social and emotionalwhilst having pathways of referral for wider services skill development gained through being part of afor multi agency intervention where needed.community where these skills are modelled through interactions, relationships and the social environment.Enabling student voice to influence decisions -An ethos andCurriculum teaching Empowering a sense of agency, involvement andenvironment thatand learning to promotes respectpromote resilience the capacity to really listen to children and youngand values diversity and support social and emotional people so that they feel heard and understood islearningvital. Children need to feel able to express their views and be included in decision-making, they TargetedLeadership andEnabling need opportunities to feel safe enough to share theirsupport andstudent voice appropriatemanagementto inuence experiences and feelings and to know that they arereferral that supports anddecisionsvalued, that they belong and that they matter. champions efforts to promote emotional Staff development - In order for staff to be able tohealth and wellbeingrespond to the wellbeing needs of the children in theirStaff development care they need to feel well supported, heard and thatWorking withto support their parents and they have an environment that prioritises their wellbeingcarers own wellbeing Identifying needand that of too. We need to start with the adults and to ensureand monitoringstudentsthere are policies and practices in place to supportimpact of interventionsprofessional development, provide collegial support and for formal, as well as informal measures such as supervision and staff forums that are accessible for all.Public Health England 2021 32hamishandmilo.org 13'