b'Targeted SEMH intervention - an example programme and approachProviding qualitative intervention, as part of a graduated response, is essential to enable children to engage in learning and to thrive. Hamish & Milo is a comprehensive emotions curriculum for use as a targeted intervention that provides pastoral staff with the programme, resources, training and impact measure tools to offer primary-aged children with SEMH the vital support for their social and emotional development.All children need enhanced social and emotional teaching and can benefit from the Hamish & Milo programmes. The programme and resources provide everything mental health champions and pastoral staff need to deliver high quality nurture and small group intervention. Hamish & Milo focuses on ten key emotional themes; friendship, resilience, anxiety, diversity, strong emotions and anger, change and transition, conflict resolution, loss and bereavement, sadness and self-esteem. Actions words and me - conflict resolution. Whatlook at bullying, discrimination and how to stand up is conflict and what is underneath it - rage, anger,for a cause we believe in and to celebrate who we are, hurt, pain, betrayal, shame, guilt. Helping childrenwho we aspire to be and where we have come from.to be able to listen and really hear, to hear twoResilient me - resilience. Having resilience is a life sides of a situation, the beginnings of empathy, evenskill that we all need to help us overcome obstacles, though caught not taught this helps to begin to seepersevere and overcome adversity so that we can reach anothers perspective and to feel compassion. Thisour own success and strive for our dreams. Resilience theme then looks at solutions, learning compromiseis having courage and finding inner strength even whilst holding our own needs too. Learning and usingwhen it feels hard. But resilience can mean that we scripts as a framework to help with these difficultblock feelings and avoid situations if we are not helped conversations towards greater harmony and settingto overcome problems and gather our internalised children ready for conflict and resolution through life. strength by an empathic adult. It is through caring and Celebrating me - diversity. Celebrating who I am, lookingcontaining relationships that we learn to express and at and celebrating diversity within our communities. Buttalk about our feelings, obstacles and fears to be able looking at the real feeling of when I feel I dont belong,to develop and grow our inner strength and resilience.when I feel different and to ensure children arent feeling alone with that. With wide diversity, neurodiversity, gender, race, culture, LGBTQIA+ and disability we Hamish14 bath.ac.uk'